
The researchers of the Center pursue individual projects of their own choice and are involved in several international and national collaborative projects. Currently, the Center’s researchers are engaged in:;; en/counter/points;; and the Plurality of Memories in Global Perspective ( Our projects have been supported by H2020 programs of the European Commission, Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA), Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Poland) and many other donors. 

Both globally and locally, critical discourse around museums cannot be imagined without calls for “decolonization”. While no country in East­-Central Europe (ECE) controlled an overseas colonial empire, the region was nonetheless fully entangled in the global colonial matrix of power. Objects in museums hailing from overseas bear witness to this...
We are a consortium member of the project ECHOES leading its work package on City Museums and Multiple Pasts. ECHOES addresses a pressing dilemma at the heart of contemporary Europe: the fact that while the history of empires and colonialism undoubtedly constitutes a shared European past, this past remains strangely silent in official narratives...
We are a consortium member of the project DisTerrMem leading its research groups on Cultural Practitioners and Regional Organizations. Dealing with competing and often antagonistic memories of disputed territories remains a pressing challenge not just within the EU, but globally.  How the past is collectively remembered and understood plays a key role in framing the...
The case of Poland represents one of the many variants of the rapid changes in industry that took place around the world under the influence of accelerated globalisation in the 1990s. In Poland, the public and academic debates concerning that period have for many years been imprisoned in normative and...
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