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Emina Zoletic, MA

Doctoral student

Emina is first year doctoral student at the Doctoral School of Social Science at the University of Warsaw. She is clinical psychologist and psychotherapist with ten years of work experience at the Institute for Psychological and Social Protection, University Clinical Center Tuzla (Bosnia and Herzegovina).  She also holds degrees  in Public Health Comparative Effectiveness Research (University Paris Descartes) and  Health Sciences (Erasmus Medical Centre Rotterdam, the Netherlands). Her project focuses on the intergenerational transmission of memory within families of those who lived through the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), 1992-1996. A central feature of the war was the Siege of Sarajevo, the longest in the history of modern warfare: a total of 1425 days from 5th April 1992 to 29th February 1996.  The principal aim of this study is to explore the dynamics of intergenerational transmission of the memory of the Siege among families living in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the EU/UK Bosnian diaspora, with particular focus on how the past is remembered, e.g., selection, emphasis, recalibration, and for what purpose, e.g., identity construction, esteem needs, empowerment, social change, etc. The proposed study offers an interdisciplinary approach (sociology: social psychology) in a multidisciplinary context.  The study will broadly follow a methodological approach that combines in-depth interviews with different media used as stimulus materials (movies, books, photographs, etc.). Supervisors: Joanna Wawrzyniak (University of Warsaw), Chris Hewer (Kingston University).


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