Dr Magdalena Wróblewska
Assitant Professor, Faculty of Artes Liberales, University of Warsaw
Magdalena Wróblewska is art historian with special interest in museum studies, history and theory of photography, postcolonial theories. A fellow of Lieven Gevaert Centre for Photography KULeuven (2010), Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz-Max-Planck-Institut and Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (2012-2014), research fellow of Ruskin Library, Lancaster University (2014), Henry Moore Institute, Leeds (2015). Head of Research in Museum of Warsaw (2015-2020), co-curator of the core exhibition Things of Warsaw (Museum of Warsaw, 2017). Authored several books and articles, including Fotografie ruin. Ruiny fotografii. 1944-2014/ Photographs of ruins. Ruins of photographs. 1944–2014 (2014); Things in a museum, in: Things of Warsaw (2017); Duality od Decolonizing: Artists’ Memory Activism in Warsaw (with Łukasz Bukowiecki and Joanna Wawrzyniak, 2021).